DIY :: Airbrush Clutch

DIY :: Airbrush Clutch

Remember when I said I was going to show you how to achieve an airbrushed look like in this post? I am excited to say I am very happy with my final results. I used these SprayZa Airbrush Marker Set that I found at a local store near my house. I was very interested to see how they worked. Basically you stick one of the markers into the grey holder (at the bottom to the right) and blow from the top. I am&…
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DIY :: Crop Collar Top

DIY :: Crop Collar Top

While watching TV one night I saw a music video (wish I remembered the name of it) but the girl was wearing this really cute crop top with a collar so instantly I new I had to try and make one of these shirts. I found this sleeveless dress shirt at a local thrift store for under $5.00 and off I went on a DIY adventure!  Thrifted sleeveless shirt  Put the shirt on a make a mark with chalk to your desired length…
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DIY :: No Sew Leather Mini Skirt

DIY :: No Sew Leather Mini Skirt

   High waisted leather skirt found at a 2nd hand store for 10 bucks.And with the extra fabric, you could make a cute leather clutch…not bad for $10.  Mark where you want to cut the skirt  Draw a line across  Cut off and use Fabric Fusion to hem (found at Michael’s-a local craft store) You can also hem by sewing if you’d like Volia!
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DIY :: Boyfriends Dress Shirt = New Skirt

DIY :: Boyfriends Dress Shirt = New Skirt

This is one of my boyfriends old dress shirts he never wears …half way though the project he decided to tell me he wanted it back…good thing he was joking because it was already chopped up a lot! Cut just under the sleeves Cut off the yoke of the shirt (the rest of the back) or you can use a sleeve. Cut into two pieces. Sew together the raw edges to make them a tube. Take one of the tubes and cut …
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DIY :: Open Lace Back T-Shirt

DIY :: Open Lace Back T-Shirt

I don’t have nay pictures of this but it was very simple! I had an old t-shirt with an open back already and never really wore it. I took some left over lace from when I made my Lace Heels and cut out a rough estimate of the whole in the shirt (leaving lots of extra on all ends just to be safe) I turned the shirt inside out and pinned it the lace around the area, sewed it and cut off …
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CIBC Run For the Cure Shoe Design

CIBC Run For the Cure Shoe Design

So, I just found out that I am one of the top 8 finalists for the CIBC Run for the Cure Shoe Design Contest! I would really appreciate any votes you can give me and if you could post this on your own personal blogs/websites. I will definitely return the favor whenever needed. My Design is #4, the yellow and black ‘boxing gloves’ to help fight cancer and to find a cure! This is my entry blurb for my design: “A boxer is…
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DIY :: Dollarama Chunky Stone Necklace

DIY :: Dollarama Chunky Stone Necklace

Inspiration I was at dollarama the other day and saw these plain wire necklaces and beautiful blue stones (they had multiple colors)  and immediately thought of a chunky necklace (at the cost of $2 bucks, even less if you consider you could make 2-3 necklaces out of all the material!!) Lay your stones in the order you want them and squeeze the super glue across them Put the wire necklace on top and make sure it is sitting in the glue.I had the …
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DIY :: Glitter Heels

DIY :: Glitter Heels

What you need: Extra-fine glitter (find this at Michaels, extra bonus tip ….print off their 40% off coupon from their website) Mod-Podge (Michaels again, and use another coupon! J) Shoes (use an old pair, or go to Value Village or Wal-mart you can find great deals) Paintbrush (dollarma) Bowl/plastic cup Tin Foil (or something else to cover the inside of your shoe) 1. Pick the color of glitter you want ( I wanted gold to go with my new dress) and add it…
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DIY:: Lace Heels

DIY:: Lace Heels

Surprising they were very easy to make, the inspiration shoes are $49.99 at Spring and my DIY cost me $1.99! What you need: old black heels, lace material, hot glue gun,scissors. I started at the back and started gluing the material to the edge of the shoe. I did this all around the whole shoe. Next, you can cut off any excess material that won’t be needed Start at the back again and start to pull the material up tight and glue it&…
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