Amazon Black Friday Canada Deals

Amazon Black Friday Canada Deals

Well, the countdown is one and if you’re like me you’re waiting for all the Black Friday flyers to come out so you can start scoping out the deals!

As most of you know I’m part of the Amazon affiliate program so I wanted to share with you guys some of the deals that Amazon has on right now for their Countdown to Black Friday! Amazon Canada’s HUGE sale will start on Nov. 24th and will have even more sales for Cyber Monday. However, if you can’t wait you can take advantage of their pre-Black Friday deals which include:

  • Ape Man Action Camera marked down 15%
  • HP Printers marked down $100
  • $20 off Fujifilm Mini 
  • and so much more! 

Most importantly, don’t forget to sign up for Amazon Prime – Sign up for your membership here. Check out all the benefits you get from being a remember. Plus, you can try it FREE for 30 days so what do you have to lose?

Amazon Black Friday 2017 Prime Deals

Amazon Black Friday Canada Deals

Pre Amazon Black Friday Deals for the Him

Pre Amazon Black Friday Deals for Her

Other Cool Pre Amazon Black Friday Deals


Check out some of my other Amazon posts here for Winter and Fall Decor & Winter Boot Must Haves.