DIY Pregnant Halloween Costume Ideas

DIY Pregnant Halloween Costume, Winnie the Pooh, Video tutorial

Looking for a DIY pregnant Halloween costume idea? Then keep on reading!

Halloween is right around the corner and if you’re pregnant like me you’re most likely looking for an easy and affordable Halloween costume idea. Being pregnant and 8 months pregnant that is, I definitely did not want to spend a lot of time or money on a costume.

I did the hard work for you and put together a quick video of the 12 best Halloween costumes for when you’re pregnant. Including a DIY tutorial to create the cutest Winnie the Pooh costume – DIY honey pot included!

For my Pregnant Winne the Pooh costume I picked up the clothing at a cheap clothing store. You know like those Urban Planet type stores. They’re perfect for basic pieces. The rest of the costume I used items found at my local dollar store.

All these costume ideas are simple to create and definitely won’t break the bank. Watch the video below to see them all. Be sure to let me know which one was your favourite. As well as which costume you’ll be trying out this year if you’re pregnant.

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12+ DIY Pregnant Halloween Costume Ideas Video


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