When you first think about walking around the World’s Tallest Free-Standing Structure you’re probably going to have the same thoughts I did – “Yup, I’m definitely going to pee my pants up there.” Spoiler alert, I did not!
When the opportunity came up to try a new adventure with Dee (Liner, Glitter, Gloss, Oh, My!) we knew The Toronto Edge Walk was what we wanted to try. You start your adventure by checking in at the Base Camp next and then are brought into a room for a security brief.
The staff checks everything from, your coat pockets to how tight your shoes are. You can not wear ANY jewellery up there so make sure to leave all earring, FitBits, necklaces, etc at home. However, they do have lockers that you can securely store your belongings.
The number of checks they do before heading out, definitely makes you feel more secure. The coolest thing by far is that they record a video of your experience that is emailed to you. You are also given two photo printouts and a certificate after you complete The Edge Walk. For $20, you will be emailed a digital copy of every photo you’re in.
Brave enough to watch the video? Scroll to the end!
Video of Walking on the CN Tower Edge Walk
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