Chambray and Sparkles!

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Shirt: Smart Set c/o | Dress: ROMWE c/o | Pumps: Steve Madden
While browsing the World Wide Web, hunting for the best fashion deals this season I came across this model photo and loved the combo of the gold sequins and chambray denim. While I don’t own a gold skirt, I used my new gold sequin dress (which will be my NYE dress) and covered the top with my Smart Set chambray shirt. Pairing a dress with a sweater or dress shirt is a great way to get the most out the pieces and here’s a little tip – If the shirt is to long and you want to tie it up, put a belt around your waist, put the shirt/sweater over top and tuck the bottom half of the shirt/sweater into the belt and it will stay in place. 
how to wear sequins, what to pair gold with, how to wear gold, gold sequin dress, chambray, how to wear chambray shirts, chambray and gold, fashion ideas, fashion tips, style tips, celebrities

how to wear sequins, what to pair gold with, how to wear gold, gold sequin dress, chambray, how to wear chambray shirts, chambray and gold, fashion ideas, fashion tips, style tips,

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  1. December 16, 2013 / 7:13 pm

    So cute! You totally rocked it.

  2. December 17, 2013 / 2:21 pm

    Great idea! I never thought of pairing a chambray shirt with statement sequin skirts. I will have to try this:)

    Check out my latest post about the winter trend of statement outerwear.

    xoxo Alyssa

  3. December 17, 2013 / 2:50 pm

    love this look! and so smart to use a gold dress you already had instead of buying a skirt as well.
    — jackie @ jade and oak